3 Food Trends Inspired By Millennials That Older Consumers Are Eating Up

Made for Millennials, the on-demand economy is transforming the food business. Rather than killing the kitchen, Millennials are stimulating innovations (heat & eat foods, meal-kits, meal delivery) that family caregivers can leverage and the oldest old can use to stay independent & healthy.

Source: 3 Food Trends Inspired By Millennials That Older Consumers Are Eating Up

“No longer sweet young things”: Boomers drive demand for sugar replacement

23 May 2019 — As sugar becomes more central to the obesity debate, its reduction is becoming a major dietary target for many consumers. This is manifesting itself most clearly in the Baby Boomer demographic (born 1946-1964). Innova Market Insights research shows that one in two US Boomers have been reducing their sugar intake or buying more reduced sugar products, while two in five are cutting back on their consumption of sweet snacks.

Source: “No longer sweet young things”: Boomers drive demand for sugar replacement, says Innova Market Insights