
Homeowners looking to add personality and individuality to their home are more likely to undertake a do-it-yourself remodel than hire a professional, according to the National Association of Realtors 2019 Remodeling Impact Report: DIY. The report also shows that cash-strapped millennials are the most likely of any generation to take on a DIY project.

Source: SalesFuel

Millennials are ditching DIY for ‘do it for me’? We should be cheering | Rhik Samadder | Opinion | The Guardian

Developments such as no-screw furniture and £5 bulb fittings are being reported as evidence of an indolent generation. Since when was it bad to make life easier for everyone?

Source: Millennials are ditching DIY for ‘do it for me’? We should be cheering | Rhik Samadder | Opinion | The Guardian