Young’s pubs recognise consumer taste for low and no alcohol 

With nearly 9 million people across the UK now moderating their alcohol intake, having low and no alcohol options for drinkers in your venue is more important than ever. Young’s pubs recognising this shift in consumer behaviour has become the first major UK pub chain to sign up 200 pubs to, the UK’s only […]

Source: Young’s pubs recognise consumer taste for low and no alcohol – Hospitality & Catering News

Millennials have sparked a sober revolution, and alcohol brands are starting to notice

It’s everywhere you look these days: #SoberCurious, #SoberIsSexy, #SoberLife and #SoberSaturday. There are sober nightclubs, sober early-morning dance parties, Instagram influencers who anchor their online identities with an eschewal of alcohol. The number of alcohol drinkers in the world has

Source: Millennials have sparked a sober revolution, and alcohol brands are starting to notice

Growing Culture — Can 2019’s Non-Beer Trend Be Boozy Booch?

“For anyone who works in the alcohol beverage category, if you’re not seeing what’s happening in the non-alcoholic space, then you’re not ready for consumer trends when they happen.” Christian McMahan, president of Massachusetts’ Wachusett Brewing Company, shared this pointed comment with GBH last

Source: Growing Culture — Can 2019’s Non-Beer Trend Be Boozy Booch? — Good Beer Hunting