Control & convenience top 2020 consumer trends 

Convenience and personal control will be the biggest consumer trends of 2020, Euromonitor International says. Brands must balance trust, security and delivery expectations to gain consumers’ loyalty.

Source: Control & convenience top 2020 consumer trends – Food & Drink Business

“With moment marketing, we compete with everyone.”

When does a condom compete with a digestive and a taxi app? When all want to pun on the same event on social media. We spoke to Shradha Agarwal, COO, Grapes Digital that’s big on this style. We couldn’t help notice a considerable rise in the way brands are attempting to leverage topical, time-sensitive and responsive communication as a way of driving engagement and social media reach.

Source: “With moment marketing, we compete with everyone.”

Why An Aging Population Means Healthcare Customer Experience Must Adapt

The aging population is the largest on record and the healthcare industry must adapt. Photographer: Tomohiro Ohsumi/Bloomberg BLOOMBERG NEWS America is getting older, and the healthcare system is buckling under the pressure. The double whammy of people generally living longer and the massive Baby Boomer generation creating the “ largest-ever population of older adults in America” has necessitated a level of experience innovation in the healthcare industry that simply has no precedent.

Source: Why An Aging Population Means Healthcare Customer Experience Must Adapt

Summer is Coming – time to get your marketing ready 

“Summer is coming”… and although we’re not expecting flaming dragons and vicious battles for the throne, we are entering the time of year where consumers will be spending more time outdoors, occupied with a variety of summer activities. Oz Etzioni outlines what that means for marketing

Source: GUEST COMMENT Summer is Coming – time to get your marketing ready – Mobile – InternetRetailing