Why some people can’t get a good grip on their finances 

Millionaires pay cash for stuff that you or I would probably have to make payments on. That’s why I’ve never been able to understand how someone with so much could ever end up with so little. But the truth is, it doesn’t matter if you’re working a part-time job at a movie theater or raking […]

Source: Why some people can’t get a good grip on their finances – CUInsight

“With moment marketing, we compete with everyone.”

When does a condom compete with a digestive and a taxi app? When all want to pun on the same event on social media. We spoke to Shradha Agarwal, COO, Grapes Digital that’s big on this style. We couldn’t help notice a considerable rise in the way brands are attempting to leverage topical, time-sensitive and responsive communication as a way of driving engagement and social media reach.

Source: “With moment marketing, we compete with everyone.”